What are the disadvantages of Using Organic Fertilisers

While organic fertilisers are popular for their long-term benefits, they can come with some drawbacks unless they are done right. 

So let's get exploring 

  • Slower release: Unlike synthetic fertilisers, organic options release nutrients gradually through decomposition by soil microbes. This means plants may take longer to show results, especially if they require a quick nutrient boost. The likes of a straight Rock mineral such as basalt dust otherwise referred to as Rock Dust/ Volcanic Rock hold 60 + minerals however based on your soil microbial activity and diversity this can take years to unlock. This is why Anthony has created the Nutrient Rock Star with basalt dust + 16 other ingredients. With those extra ingredients, a microbial digestion process occurs during manufacturing, making it microbially active allowing it to be available immediately upon application as well as having a long-lasting slow-release effect. The driving force to have created this to such a degree of finesse and effectiveness was brought on by targeting the nutrient absorption for the veggie garden.  This way Anthony could ensure that the minerals and nutrients were taken up by the fruit when most needed.  Ending up in nutrient-dense and tasty food.

  • Lower nutrient content: Organic fertilisers generally contain lower concentrations of key nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) compared to synthetic fertilisers. This might necessitate more frequent applications to achieve the same results. But not here at Soil Dynamics we have you covered with our specialised organic NPK designed for big feeders 

  • Beach Seaweed: The nutrient content of beach seaweed varies depending on the species. Some varieties may be rich in certain minerals like potassium and magnesium but may be lower in nitrogen or phosphorus so there are no guarantees. Our Happy Gut Tonic uses Ascophyllum nodosum. This species is specifically valued for its consistent nutrient profile, containing good amounts of trace elements nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) along with various micronutrients. Offering a consistent and reliable source of nutrients for your garden.

Find out more Happy Gut Tonic

  •  Fish from the sea : Provides a good source of protein, healthy fats (omega-3s), vitamins (A, D, B12), and minerals (selenium, iodine, phosphorus). The exact content varies depending on the fish species.
  • The Protein Shake ie.fish hydrolysate: is rich in all of the above including amino acids, peptides, and smaller protein fragments due to the breakdown process. It contains some vitamins and minerals.  The overall nutrient profile is more focused on readily available nitrogen for plants or palatability for animals, compared to the broader range of nutrients found in whole fish. Our Protein Shake uses fish by-products and breaks them down using an enzyme digestion process.. look at it like a cold press juice.

  • Composting is fantastic if you know what you're doing however there can be potential for weed seeds and pathogens: due to incomplete composting or using manure from diseased animals can introduce weed seeds or harmful microbes into your garden. Be cautious when handling manure and look for well-composted products. Jurassic Juice made from ancient hummus ( leonardite aka dinosaur compost) is like no other once again Anthony himself went through rigorous testing and research as not all humates are equal.  Jurassic Juice will build soil structure feed the microbes and acts as a soil wetter.
  • Well next up, I don't know how to compare this to anything as it is a rare but magical product: The Regenerate Elixir was 10 years in the making and took Anthony 5 years to get into liquid suspension. It is high in calcium, magnesium and potassium and improves the cellular structure of plants as well is a bit like a liquid form of Nutrient Rock Star, if Anthony could he would have called it MAGIC 
    Inconsistent results:
    The effectiveness of some organic fertilisers can vary depending on the source and quality of the material and its manufacturing process. Researching the product and understanding its strengths and weaknesses is key.

Despite these disadvantages, organic fertilisers offer a sustainable approach to nourishing your soil and plants. Consider these drawbacks when making a decision and choose the fertiliser that best suits your gardening needs and preferences. We hope this has been of value to you! 

with gratitude your Soil Dynamics Team


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